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nurse triage


The Nurse Triage Process 

Injury Occurs - The injury is reported to the employer and a workers’ comp claim is filed.

Nurse Intervention - The new claim is immediately escalated to a trained nurse case manager to expedite the processing of claim.

Clinical Evaluation - A thorough medical assessment is completed in alignment with the Official Disability Guidelines, and a recommended action plan is developed.

Four-Point Contact - Nurse facilitates communication with all involved parties to ensure accountability and efficient management of claim.


Benefits of a Nurse Triage Program:

For the Employer

  • Advocacy approach to injured worker improves morale & reduces litigation
  • Recorded Statements

For the Employee

  • Engaged in the recovery and return-to-work process

For the Physician

  • More responsive clinician-to-clinician interaction
  • Identifies return-to-work barriers

For the Account Executive

  • Plan of action identifies strategy for claim
  • Controls claim cost